Publications and Presentations
Gregory Radick, "Presidential address: Experimenting with the scientific past." British Journal for the History of Science 49 (June 2016)
Gregory Radick, “Teach students the biology of their time: An experiment in genetics education reveals how Mendel's legacy holds back the teaching of science." Nature 533 (19 May 2016): 293 (this is an abbreviated version of the BJHS paper above). Available online.
Gregory Radick, “Beyond the “Mendel-Fisher controversy: Worries about fraudulent data should give way to broader critiques of Mendel's legacy.” Science 350(6257) (09 Oct 2015): 159-160. Available online.
Annie Jamieson and Gregory Radick. “Putting Mendel in His Place: How Curriculum Reform in Genetics and Counterfactual History of Science Can Work Together.” In The Philosophy of Biology: A Companion for Educators, ed. Kostas Kampourakis , 2013, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 577-95. Part of the Springer series ‘History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences’.
Jenny Lewis. "Young People’s Understandings of Gene Technology – from Flavr Savr Tomatoes to Stem Cell Therapy."Science and Education [online] (2012) doi: 10.1007/s11191-012-9523-z.
Jenny Lewis. "Genetics and Genomics." In Teaching Secondary Biology, ed. M. Reiss. London: Hodder Education, 2011, pp. 173-214.
Gregory Radick "Physics in the Galtonian Sciences of Heredity." Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (2011): 129-138.
Gregory Radick. "Other Histories, Other Biologies." In Philosophy, Biology and Life, ed. Anthony O'Hear. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp. 21-47. Supplement to Philosophy, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement: 56.
Under review:
Annie Jamieson and GregoryRadick. “Genetic Determinism in the Genetics Curriculum: An Experimental Test of the Effects of Mendelian and Weldonian Emphases”.
In preparation:
Annie Jamieson and Gregory Radick. Biology without Mendelism: W. F. R. Weldon’s Science of Heredity, including his previously unpublished Theory of Inheritance: a critical, scholarly edition of an unfinished manuscript by the English zoologist W. F. R. Weldon.
Conference papers and workshops
Annie Jamieson
British Society for the History of Science Annual Meeting, St. Andrews, July 2014: “Erroneous assumptions regarding genes” in the 20th century.
Nurturing Genetics: Reflections on a Century of Scientific and Social Change, Leeds, June/July 2014: Leave the monk in the garden: Results of the Genetics Pedagogies Project.
9th Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds, April 2014: Leave the monk in the garden: Teaching introductory genetics without explicit Mendelian concepts.
Institute of Education, University of Reading, February 2014 (by invitation): Can we teach genetics without Mendel? Preliminary results of the Genetics Pedagogies Project.
Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds, February 2014: Can we teach genetics without Mendel? Preliminary results of the Genetics Pedagogies Project.
24th International Congress of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Manchester, July 2013: Exploiting the ecology of knowledge: How counterfactual history of science can inform contemporary genetics pedagogy.
International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Montpellier, July 2013: Interactionism in 20th century genetics pedagogy.
Histoire et philosophie des science de la vie: actualité at methods – HP-BIO: where are we? An international colloquium at IRPhil, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, May 2013 (by invitation): Counterfactual history in the teaching of genetics.
Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds, February 2013: Concepts of dominance in 20th century genetics.
Jenny and Annie participated in an international workshop at Utrecht University, Netherlands, 14–16th March 2013 on Genetics Education for the 21st Century: Design Criteria and Good Practices. Further details available here.